Kejsar Maximilians triumf. No 50 - Hans Burgkmair ca 1516-1519
Kejsar Maximilians triumf. No 50 - Hans Burgkmair ca 1516-1519
Reproduktion av bild 50.
Här ses fem män redo för Bund. Men som går att läsa nedan var källan till namnet Bund döljt i dunkel. Över deras huvuden visas den sköld som användes som mål.
Citat från Triumph of Maximilian 1 - utgiven av The Holbein Society:
” The course named Bund,27 a rank of five men with the targes,28 which fly over their heads.
27 The representation of this course exactly corresponds with that given in the manuscript by Schemel, and which has this inscription in German : “ This course is called Bund ” ; but there is no characteristic which throws any light on this name. The word Bund has various meanings ; as union, association, bundle of sticks, truss, packet.
28 It was upon these targes that the jousters, to apply the terms then in use, gave and received the strokes ; and as they were but lightly attached, they flew into the air when the stroke was good. These targes bore also the name of chapeau de mentonniere or grande mentonniere.”
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Bilden säljs utan ram.
Arkets mått:420x297mm
Tryckets mått: 280x270
Papperstyp: Cremefärgat ingrespapper
Tryckteknik:Okänt - eventuellt ett provtryck
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